2006 Blue Goo Photos Are Now Available
A Great Day at the Anthem Blue Goo - the Race 2 Slime Cancer. TriDuo.com captured your moment in the goo and on the course. Pictures are now available.
A portion of all sales proceeds are going to the Massey Cancer Center.
Visit our Blue Goo Photo Gallery now to order your Blue Goo Memories.
Search for your 2006 Blue Goo Photos
Drawing Winners
Shelly Dupre is the lucky winner of a locker poster and Crissy Carneal won the set of trading cards.
Blue Goo Specials & Products
Visit our Blue Goo Product page to learn more about available products, specials and Frequently Asked Questions.
Pictures & Results
Important Information
- Did you also run last year? - If you would like to order prints from both the 2006 and 2005 Anthem Blue Goo, please call our office or
e-mail us to find out how to save shipping charges.
- TriDuo.com specializes in specially designed montages, posters and trading cards. E-mail us for information about customizing your Anthem Blue Goo pictures.
- Visa and Mastercard are accepted when calling our office at 757-623-0892; you may also pay by check. Mail your check with
order form to: TriDuo.com, 809 Brandon Ave Suite 300, Norfolk, Va 23517. Include name of image, event, gallery of image
and size print you are purchasing
Attention: Event Directors
If you are an event director and would like to have great photography coverage,
e-mail us complete event information. Athletes, you can also let us
know of events that you would like to see TriDuo.com cover.